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Welcome to the website of Chenies Parish Council. This website is managed by the Parish Council for the benefit of parishioners and visitors.

In the “Your Parish Council” section you will find dates of Council meetings, minutes, agendas, recent planning applications and so on. Also published are the various Policies of the Council and the accounts. There is a contact button for ease of communication with the council and there is a list of the names and contact details of your councillors and Parish Clerk.

We will be adding useful information about Chenies village including some of its history together with maps of the Parish, the Conservation Area and local footpaths and bridleways.

There are links to Buckinghamshire Council’s website for access to a wealth of further local government information and links to other points of local interest including our Churches, The Manor House and The River Chess Association to mention a few.

From time to time local announcements and news will be displayed below.

The contact button above is an easy way to ask a question or report a problem. These messages go to the Parish Clerk who will answer directly or arrange for one of the councillors to do so.

River Chess up to footway at watercress beds

Footpaths flooded in the Chess Valley

Parts of the Chess Valley Walk and paths linking to it are flooded. Heavy…

Repairs completed on road sign

Repair work and repainting has recently been completed on the…
Newly planted tree on the Village Green

Tree planted to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Funded by a donation from a past resident of the village, we…